Date of Submission

Spring 2018

Academic Programs and Concentrations


Project Advisor 1

Michael Martell

Abstract/Artist's Statement

The history of school policy intended to segregate the student population in the United States has had a lasting effect on how schools are composed racially and socioeconomically. While the 1954 Brown vs Board of Education decision led to schools being legally integrated, resistance movements, de facto segregation, and school choice among other things have shown how hard true integration is to achieve even now. To this day, many schools all over the country remain highly segregated. This segregation limits the exchange of skills and knowledge between different groups, causing children to lose out on the potential benefits of a highly diverse classroom. Regression data using student scores shows that having more white students increases a school’s exam proficiency while higher number of low income students leads to a decrease in proficiency. The results highlight the importance of the intersection of race and class in the discussion about American schools.

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