Date of Submission
Fall 2024
Academic Program
Computer Science
Project Advisor 1
Sven Anderson
Abstract/Artist's Statement
Distributed systems consist of autonomous computing elements that operate collectively as a single coherent system. Achieving consistency across independent nodes in such systems poses significant challenges due to the absence of a central clock, which complicates event ordering and state coherence. Logical clocks, such as Lamport’s Logical Clock algorithm, address these challenges by enabling event ordering and causal dependency.
This paper explores methods to ensure consistency and proposes approaches to measure a simulated distributed storage systems. The system, implemented in Golang, examines consistency under various conditions, employing defined inconsistency metrics to evaluate read/write performance. The study provides insights into the mechanisms of logical clocks and their effectiveness in maintaining consistency.
Open Access Agreement
Open Access
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
Recommended Citation
Chen, Ziyi, "A Simulation and Evaluation of Distributed Algorithms" (2024). Senior Projects Fall 2024. 8.
This work is protected by a Creative Commons license. Any use not permitted under that license is prohibited.
Included in
Databases and Information Systems Commons, Software Engineering Commons, Theory and Algorithms Commons