Date of Submission
Winter 2024
Academic Program
Film and Electronic Arts
Project Advisor 1
Brent Green
Abstract/Artist's Statement
Artist Statement
Szilard Schroff
Tuning (Senior project)
This short film is a brief portrait of Michael Lynam and his private inner world from my point of view. He is representing the struggles of humanity and my ideology about connection and love. The main beat of the film is grief which represents the simple fact that we never run out of problems, we’ll always have things to solve and worry about, but we are all able to choose how we react. Life is a challenging, never ending journey that each of us views, experiences differently, but we all share the same boat in terms of facing difficulties and challenges. Due to the individual viewpoints we tend to forget that so we might become lonely and hopeless. In today's world we tend to be hyper individualistic which kills the only thing that could help us understand ourselves and live our lives better than ever which is connection; connection between each other and connection to nature and the natural. In my work, nature is a metaphor of natural harmony and peace while piano tuning is a metaphor of materialism and ego. The piano symbolizes an organic connection between the two while the tuning is the managing of life. The kids and home are symbolizing love and compassion which we were made of just like nature. This film is not educational, neither wants to be great or showy. It's just like we are; a naturally born entity, ready to connect.
Open Access Agreement
On-Campus only
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Schroff, Szilard, "Tuning" (2024). Senior Projects Fall 2024. 49.
This work is protected by a Creative Commons license. Any use not permitted under that license is prohibited.
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