Date of Submission

Fall 2024

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Michael Cohen

Abstract/Artist's Statement

My project focuses on researching the environmental devastation caused by the expansion and imposition of settler colonial practices. I will be examining these practices through the lens of waste accumulation in illegal dumping sites and land degradation by governmental officials due to the expropriation and exploitation of the land. The first part of my project is composed of different sections that focus on introducing key terms and topics that provide a framework on understanding the role of waste accumulation in this project. In chapter 2 I introduce the four case studies that I will be using to help support my analysis on trash accumulation and how it is seen differently within each case study. By analyzing how waste accumulation affects minority communities exposed to occupation and domination of the land, I will study potential forms of resistance in occupied regions like Shuqba, a village in the West Bank under Israeli Administration since 1967. I am utilizing case studies as a tool to compare and identify differences in order to understand and explore ways in which Ecocide (the long-term destruction of an environment) as an agent of settler colonialism might allow organizations to emerge, to resist environmental injustices, and how these highlight ‘waste’ as a form of resistance and liberation.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

CHARAS DRAWING 128.jpg (2194 kB)

MST DRAWING 128.jpg (2529 kB)
Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais sem Terra

WC DRAWING 128.jpg (2538 kB)
Warren County, NC

YLO DRAWING 1125.jpg (2848 kB)
Young Lords Organization

SHUQBA DRAWING 128.jpg (2662 kB)
Shuqba Village

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Architecture Commons
