Date of Submission

Fall 2024

Academic Program

American and Indigenous Studies; Environmental Studies; Jewish Studies

Project Advisor 1

Peter L'Official

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This project explores the Brooklyn neighborhood of Crown Heights from three different approaches. The first is exploring the history of Crown Heights, from it's original settlement in the 1800's, through the arrival of different immigrant groups in the 1900's, the influx of Black immigrants in the mid 20th century, and the establishment of Crown Heights as the global homeland for the Chabad-Lubavitcher movement. The second chapter explores and analyzes the various forms of media that arose out of the 1991 Crown Heights riots, and discuss Anna Deavere Smith's play Fires in the Mirror as a standout example of how comedy can aid the communal processing of tragedy. Lastly, the 3rd chapter includes maps that have been created to visualize present day inequality in Crown Heights, displaying the neighborhood's racial and economic divide in comparison with high rates of Evictions and legal Possessions of residential housing.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
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