One For Sorrow, Elias Sheridan Ames
The Sound of Angels in Flight: An Exploration of Mystical Experience Through Classical Music, John-Paul Barbagelata
"Can You Break the Press?: Racial Identity, Socialization, and the Overemphasis of Sports on Black Student-Athletes, Caleb E. Blake
Seed Pathogens and Plant Interactions in Old field: Investigation of Fungal Host Specificity and Its Impact on Above Ground Plants., Camille Isabella Bordao
Accessing Light, Summer Joy Brady
Environmental Devastations Caused by the Expansion and Imposition of Settler-Colonialism: Is Resistance Inevitable?, Maria Waleska Brito
In Passing, Will Brumley
American Nothing, Robert Burgher
Madwomen, Monsters, and Marriage: How Pride and Prejudice, Frankenstein, and Jane Eyre Rewrite Redemption, Victoria Claire Carden
A Simulation and Evaluation of Distributed Algorithms, Ziyi Chen
Characterizing the Proximity Effect in One Photon Absorption Direct Laser Writing, Sophie Cherif
The Indenture of Children in 19th Century New York, August Clark
A Failure of Planning or Planning to Fail: Becoming God's Favorite Comedian, Danielle Luisa Maldia del Rosario
Translations from Juvencus’ Evangeliorum Libri Quattuor, Proba’s Cento, and Jerome’s Vulgate: An Exhibit of Ancient Retellings of Biblical Narrative, Jade C. Dinkins and Jade C. Dinkins
The Second Time Around, Marcus Edwards
Motherwork on Maple Avenue Parsonage, Catherine Fitzgerald-Kampf
DIY as a Space of Community Building and Identity Expression: A Photovoice Project, Kay Flynn-Murray
Unlocking Nature’s Defense Against Antibiotic Resistance: Evaluating the Antimicrobial Efficacy of Quercus rubra (Northern Red Oak) Bark Extracts on the ESKAPE Panel of Antibiotic Resistant Pathogens, Thalía Isabelle Grandinetti
From Geometry to Visualization: Exploring Euclidean Discrete Surface Ricci Flow, Nasif Hossain
United States Policy Shift from Combat Operations to Negotiations with the Taliban, Mohammad Naser Jamshidi
United States Policy Shift from Combat Operations to Negotiations with the Taliban, Mohammad Naser Jamshidi
Geometric Visualization of Electromagnetic Field Transformations on Minkowski Diagrams, Yashar Ahmed Khan
Understanding Intrinsic vs. Learned Behavior in the Roundworm C. elegans, Artin Krasniqi
Assessing the Prospects for De-escalation in the Taiwan Strait, Jackson Lopez
Narrative Myopia, Bella Lu
Exploring the catalytic power of acyltransferase from Mycobacterium Smegmatis, Gwenn Malick
“Radiant Angels Poised in the Air She Breathed”: Sacrament in the Works of Ron Hansen and Andre Dubus, James Theodore Marshall
Language Remained, Hannah Lu Marsh
Fenestra Terrae, Lucia Ann Martell
"The Body Lurking Within the Body": The Transcendental Influence of Emanuel Swedenborg in Whitman's Leaves of Grass, Sarah Brooke Martin
Dismantling the Anti-Trans Narrative: Tennessee as Case Study, Miles Masters
The Instrumental Nature of the Body in the Poetry of Genrikh Sapgir, Anna Matveeva
Hudson Valley agricultural legacies persist despite 140 years of forest regeneration, William J. Mennerick
Black Coats and Brownstones: Spatial Portraits of Crown Heights, Rae Lilly Millet
Impact of Predictive Algorithms on Student Outcomes in Higher Education, Mujtaba Naqib
BOX, Lena F. Oldfield
Renegotiation and Limitation: Exploring Queer Solidarity As Assemblage, Maddox C. O'Rourke
Dollarization: The Cambodian Experience, Vitou Put
A Woven Becoming, Jaelyn Alexis Quilizapa
Fractals - On Dimension and Similitudes, Sam Jade Rehorst
The Voices of Silence: Mid-Century Women's Poetry in Spain, Rheana Nicole Riego
Tuning, Szilard Schroff
When Silence Reigned: An Experiment in Translation through Relationship, Miriam Schwartz
Estrangement from The Family: A Personally Anthropological Search, Emma Frances Smith
Janet Malcolm: Searching for the Clue, Ana Elena Adams Sokolovska
Chemtrails, Lydia Jane Stauffer
"From The Archives" and "The First and The Last", Nelson Wyland Stephenson
For Those I Let Haunt Me, Roo Megan Rose Tarantino
MAKE IT, Patrick S. Toohey
La Dimensión Nueva del Ciglio Antigo / Waterhole, Ian Victor Vangineau
Humanizing Helen: Three Ancient Perspectives on the Woman Who Launched a Thousand Ships, Alex Varney
Music as Metaphysics: Schopenhauer’s Aesthetics and Love as Transcendence in Richard Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde, Miles Gabriel Wazni
Umlauf: Going about Knowing with Kleist, Mon, and Nietzsche, Bridget Rose White
Cherry Blossoms at Night, Hana Yoshikawa
From Text to Sound: The Reciprocal Relationship Between Music and Poetry in “Erlkönig”, Ya-Yin Yu
“Next Year’s Words Await Another Voice” - Two Senior Concerts, Mara Louise Zaki