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Parts 1 & 2 of a nearly two-hour recording of the poet Paul Blackburn [1926-1971] reading at Bard on December 6, 1968 in Albee Social, introduced by Robert Kelly. The selections are poems published in various books of Blackburn's including: The Journals, edited by Robert Kelly (Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow, 1975); The Omitted Journals (Perishable Press, 1984); Halfway Down the Coast (Northampton, MA.: Mulch Press, 1975); The Cities (New York: Grove Press, 1967); In . On . Or About the Premises (London/New York: Cape Goliard/Grossman, 1968). Includes several selections from his translations of the Provencal poets. Includes his wonderful Pre-Lenten Gestures, a poem for Ed Dorn. Most of the texts are now contained in The Collected Poems of Paul Blackburn, edited, with an introduction by Edith Jarolim (New York: Persea Books, 1985).
poetry, literature
Recommended Citation
Blackburn, Paul, "Paul Blackburn" (2022). Poetry at Bard-(All Recordings). 107.