OSUN Publications

Teaching liberal arts online? The case of Smolny Beyond Borders

Pavel Milena Chernyshev, Smolny College


In recent decades liberal arts and sciences (LAS) education worldwide has been subjected to ideological attacks and legal persecution. In extreme cases, this may even lead to the colleges being shut down. To preserve LAS teaching in these circumstances a number of online liberal arts and sciences initiatives (OLASI) have been created. In this study, I use qualitative and quantitative methods to present a case study of Smolny Beyond Borders, an OLASI created in 2022 after the politically-charged closure of Smolny College, the oldest and largest LAS University in Russia. A comparison of SBB to its predecessor reveals the difference in functionality between traditional LAS colleges and OLASI. The analysis suggests that the online format increases accessibility of education, leading to more diversity among students, which benefits discussion-based courses but may present challenges in skill-based learning. The study then discusses SBB’s potential in fostering students’ social capital and giving them institutional legitimacy. Overall, the findings suggest that while OLASIs cannot fully replace traditional universities, they offer unique value by promoting life-long learning, facilitating dialogue between diverse perspectives, and providing education continuity in politically restrictive environments. The study concludes with recommendations for enhancing OLASIs, emphasizing the importance of leveraging student diversity, fostering community, and maintaining flexibility.