OSUN Open Educational Resources

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Teaching Tool

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The advent of generative Artificial Intelligence (genAI) and large language models (LLMs) will require a sea change in how and what we teach students of all levels. Research strongly suggests that most university students are regularly using these in our courses, so it is incumbent on us to establish norms and best practices regarding their use, ethics, and literacy. This strengthening guide provides modular lesson plans for an advanced university-level English Composition course that focuses on the teaching of critical reading and writing as well as information literacy. This guide provides (i) practical lessons that address genAI and LLMs and its interaction with Liberal Arts approaches to teaching and learning;(ii) genAI tools to use and suggestions about when to use them in class; and (iii) assignments and assessment rubrics. We argue that the appropriate response to advancements in these technologies lies in the foregrounding of the liberal arts approach and the direct use and exploration of these new tools to enhance that perspective. This requires a shift in teaching that moves from product to process and focuses on critical reading and writing in shorter collaborative bursts that build toward a final written project rather than production of full-length assigned papers to be completed by students at home on their own.

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