For The People: The Historiography of the Black Panther Party and Black Community Politics and Activism

For The People: The Historiography of the Black Panther Party and Black Community Politics and Activism

Joshua Perez, Bard College

Updated Links to Primary Documents:

Stokely Carmichael, “Black Power”, October 29, 1966:

Charles Bursey, Black Panther Party member, serves food for the Free Breakfast for Schoolchildren Program, Oakland, California, ca. 1970:'s-Forgotten-Wade/b7bb2e587639bdd95e6790ee488fc80e5457be9e

Fred Hampton, left, chairman of the Black Panthers, speaks during a news conference with the Young Lords on Oct. 10, 1969:

I Joined the Panthers by Joan Bird from The Black Panther newsletter, June 27, 1970:

Black Panther Sisters talk about Women’s Liberation reprinted from The Movement, September 1969:

Pocket Lawyer of Legal First Aid From The Black Panther, March 23, 1969:

The Black Child’s Pledge:

Liberation Schools, From The Black Panther, July 5, 1969:

People’s Medical Care Center By Lincoln Webster Sheffield from The Black Panther, October 26, 1968:

Free clothing being offered at an event sponsored by the Black Panther Party in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1969:

Table of Contents

I. Synthesis Essay……………………………….3

II. Primary Documents and Headnotes……….26

III. Textbook Critique…………………………….36

IV. New Textbook Entry………………………….41

V. Bibliography…………………………………...49