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This includes the article Mittelstadt, M, 1997, Dec, 11, Marxist taxation theory gaining mainstream acceptance,The Globe and Mail, a review of Shaikh's book "Measuring the Wealth of Nations" Moseley, F. (1995). Measuring the wealth of nations. Journal of Economic LIterature, 33(1), 203–204, an article by Cinco Dias in Economia titled "Shaikh: La recesion economica tardara mucho en ser superada", an article by Manuel Estape in La Vanguardia titled "Reagan fue como Robin Hood, pero al reves" (4/20/91), a letter from Richard L. Bernal saying he will soon leave as Jamaica's US ambassador and thanking Shaikh for his expertise (8/22/01), email correspondence with Mahmood Mamdani regarding visiting and travels (2/14/98), email from Karim Nauphal thanking Shaikh for a recent lecture (4/8/98), email to Trevor Evans arranging a visit to NY, email from Ali Tonak thanking Shaikh for help and shares personal updates (3/12/98), email from Mamdani discuss job offers and academic matters (2/4/98 and 12/17/97), letter to Ed Chilcote from Luigi Pasinetti regarding Ed's thesis (11/7/98), a schedule for the US Deficit Trade Review Commission (11/30/99), letter from Jurriaan Bendien regarding Marxist economic theory (11/6/97), a letter from Becke regarding his house and life updates, a flyer for a lecture with Jesus Felipe titled "Extensions of the Humbug Production Function and Implications: The Humbug Production Function is Alive and Kicking—A Tribute to Anwar Shaikh", email to Jason at the New School complaining about Michael's "silly quiz" to attend a forum, email to Paul at New School regarding the ongoing long wave recovery, a letter from Pasinetti regarding Chilcote's thesis on the dynamic pure labour theory of value (9/7/98).


There are a number of pages that appear to have been water damaged in this file.

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