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This includes a review in German by Wilfried Parys of Shaikh, A., & Tonak, E. A. (1994). Measuring the wealth of nations : the political economy of national accounts, Cambridge University Press. That Cambridge Press says appeared in Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift, No. 2, Akram-Lodhi, A. H. (1995). Akram-Lodhi, A. H. (1995). Book Review: Measuring the Wealth of Nations: The Political Economy of National Accounts. Review of Radical Political Economics, 27(4), 125-127., Moseley, F. (1995). [Review of Measuring the Wealth of Nations., by A. M. Shaikh & E. A. Tonak]. Journal of Economic Literature, 33(1), 203–204. and Kacapyr, E. (1995). Review of Measuring the wealth of nations: the political economy of national accounts. Choice, 32(5).

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