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This includes an email from Ed Tenner regarding an article in PAW (1/20/96), a letter to Bronwen Meredith recommending Tom Palley (6/28/96), a letter to Berooz Adelzadeh regarding Shaikh's brother visiting South Africa (3/27/96), an email from Neil H. Buchanan regarding life and thoughts on social security (2/26/96), an email from Buchanan regarding research on interest rates (3/25/96), an email from Jesus Felipe regarding a recent conference and theoretical questions (9/28/97), an email from Maria Karamessini saying that if Professor Shaikh were to visit Greece she would like to see him again (10/8/97), email to Robert Chernomas regarding the economic recovery (12/19/97), graphs of profit rates, a fax from Chernomas asking about the economic crisis (12/19/97), an email to John regarding Shaikh's sabbatical, an email from John Weeks regarding Shaikh's sabbatical (9/26/97), a referee's report on the paper "On measuring the deviation of prices from values" by Ian Steedman and Judith Tomkins, a letter from Joe Murphy regarding Shaikh's paper on Marx, a letter to Shaikh regarding a friend of the author's son (6/12/96), a letter from Patrick regarding a recent trip to Shaikh's class, an email to Ayesha Murshed from Pervez Hoodbhoy regarding the Salam memorial meeting (11/29/97), an email from Dara regarding a terminally ill member of the family (4/17/98), email from Richard Wolff regarding postmodernism and Marxism (4/14/98), a reply by Shaikh (4/14/98), email from Wolff regarding possibly working together, a reply from Shaikh, an email from Shaikh reply to someone about commodity money, email from Shaikh to Anjum regarding Salam's memorial, email from Anjum Altaf to Pervez Hoodbhoy regarding the Salam memorial meeting (12/4/97), email to Weeks regarding fullbright scholars, email from Richard Gibson regarding data analysis (3/11/98), email from Thor regarding an update on their PhD work (4/14/98), email from Julie Graham regarding dinner arrangements (4/22/98), email from Jason A Schulman on questions about Marxism (4/20/98), letter to Pasqual Maragall regarding lectures in Madrid (3/13/91), letter to Toichiro Asada regarding a translation of Shaikh's book (6/21/91), letter to Bruce Roberts regarding comments on Shaikh's draft (6/13/91), and a schedule for a conference titled "Economic Dynamics and Financial Instability" (4/14/86).


Many of these pages are barely legible owing to apparent water stains.

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