
Open Access


This includes a letter to Bloom regarding calculating rates of profit (5/2/83), a letter from Abe Bloom with questions about Shaikh's lecture (1/15/83), capital and labor input tables and charts, a letter from William W. Goldsmith regarding Shaikh's papers on comparative advantage (6/26/83), a note from Pat De Angelis expressing thanks, a letter from Hiroshi Izumi regarding a review for Shaikh's book (4/8/94), a letter from Alice H. Amsden questioning why Shaikh called off a department meeting (12/18/91), a memo to Amsden in response (1/8/92), a letter from Shahid Kardar about the inability to get a copy of The Satanic Verses, a letter from Yasutoshi Noshita regarding Neo-Marxism and Shaikh's theory of debt accumulation (11/24/90), a letter from David McMullen regarding points about the commodity status of labor power (2/4/91), a letter from Romesh Vaitilingarn regarding publishing projects (6/25/90), an email to Shaikh from Ahmed and Zarina (3/11/98), a letter from Shaikh expressing support for Raza Shah, a letter to Josep Vegara regarding giving seminars in Spain (11/13/78), a letter to Christos Carvounis regarding his oral exam (11/10/78), a letter to Jacob Landynski regarding the research and travel committee (11/13/78), a request from Margaret Hedrich to order books (11/13/78), a letter to Jo Bradley regarding "Humbug II" (10/30/78), a letter from Bradley regarding a revised version of Shaikh's paper on industrial production (10/2/78), a letter from Bradley regarding the paper "Humbug II" (10/23/78), a letter to Peggy A. Clarke of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton with Shaikh's application and CV (11/2/78), a letter from Clarke regarding Shaikh's application there (10/9/78), a letter to Wassily Leontief regarding a research proposal (6/18/78), a letter to William Baumol containing a CV and recommendation for Makoto Ito (6/18/76), a letter to James Blackman regarding an economics program proposal (12/10/76), a letter to Martin Maremount thanking him for permission to use I-O data (5/3/74), a letter to Ramon Crouch regarding a paper on international exchange and unequal exchange (11/2/78), a letter from Crouch regarding references for the debate about unequal exchange (10/11/78), a letter to Janet Seiz and Arjo Klamer regarding coming to Duke (11/1/78), a letter from Klamer inviting Shaikh to Duke (10/4/78), a letter to R. Rodriguez along with a book on Marxian economics (11/1/78), a letter from Rodriguez regarding Marxian economics (10/3/78), a letter to Arild Kristiansen regarding a translation of Shaikh's article (11/1/78), a letter from Kristiansen regarding translating Shaikh's article (10/18/78), a letter to Chris Carvounis regarding his oral exam (11/2/78), a letter to Quentin Hoare regarding travel arrangements (10/5/78), a letter to Nicholas X. Rizopoulos applying for a research fellowship (10/27/78), a letter to John Weeks thanking for his previous letter (10/9/78), a letter to Mary Malloy with a copy of a requested paper (10/9/78), a letter from Malloy regarding Shaikh's paper "The law of value and the theory of imperialism" (11/19/78), a letter to Rex McKenzie regarding them applying to an economics program (11/22/78), a letter from McKenzie regarding applying to New School (7/8/78), a letter from Behzad Touhidi regarding Shaik's article "Laws of international exchange" (6/2/78), a letter to Bob Leiken regarding papers he sent (6/13/78), a letter to Samih Farsoun regarding an invitation to a conference (6/1/78), a letter from Farsoun inviting Shaikh to a conference on subjects related to the Arab world (5/16/78), a letter to Paul Zarembka enclosing a copy of a paper (6/1/78), a letter from Zarembka requesting a copy of "The law of value and the theory of imperialism" (4/21/78), a letter to Ronald L. Meek regarding attending an AEA conference (5/31/78), a letter from Meek regarding his connection to The American University (4/18/78), a letter to Greg O'Hair regarding his papers and thesis (5/31/78), a letter from O'Hair inquiring about papers by Shaikh (5/11/78), a letter to Firdaus Jhabvala enclosing a reading list (5/23/78), a letter from Jhabvala regarding academic pursuits (5/1/78), a letter to Robert Rowthorn requesting a check (5/19/78), a letter to Francis Green regarding them attending New School as a visitor (5/19/78), a letter from Green requesting to perform research at New School (4/26/78), a letter from Rhona B. Johnson regarding editing a chapter by Shaikh in "Growth, profits, and property" (5/9/78), a letter to Willi Semmler regarding Willi visiting (5/11/78), a letter to Bradley commenting on a paper by Bleaney (5/3/78), a letter to David Yaffe regarding Shaikh's article on a history of crisis theories (4/28/78), a letter from Yaffe regarding an article published by Shaikh in Prokla 30 (4/21/78), a letter to Ainalda da Silva regarding Oscar Braun's book (4/25/78), a letter to Roger Odisio regarding the movement of Marxist categories (4/14/78), a letter to Peter Vandome regarding Shaik's paper on international trade (4/14/78), a letter from Vandome regarding "On the law of international exchange" (4/5/78), a letter from Geert Reuten regarding Shaikh's transformation article (1/2/78), a letter from Ian Goff regarding his schedule and Goff's book on the welfare state (4/12/78), a letter to Colin Day regarding arranging a meeting (4/12/78), a letter from Day requesting a meeting (1/18/78), a letter to Jacob Landynski related to the research and travel committee (2/21/78), a letter to Jim Devine with a copy of a requested paper (2/17/78), a letter from Devine requesting a copy of the paper on international trade (2/11/78), a letter to James W. Dean with a copy of his CV (2/17/78), a letter from Dean requesting Shaikh's CV (1/11/78), a letter to the chairperson of the University of Massachusetts recommending John Eatwell (2/2/78), a letter from Mike Markowitz to Lorraine Flynn regarding Shaikh being on paid leave (9/21/77), a letter to Eatwell regarding accommodations in England and schedule plans (7/1/77), a letter from Eatwell inviting Shaikh to a round table at Trinity College (6/22/77), a letter to Lic. Horacio Flores de ia Pena regarding a proposed seminar (6/24/77), a letter from de la Pena regarding a proposed seminar (6/1977), a letter to Pat Hickey containing medical forms (6/24/77), a letter to Ranjit Sau regarding comments on Shaikh's papers (6/17/77), a letter from Sau with comments on Shaikh's papers (5/27/77), a letter to S. Koshimura with a copy of a mathematical appendix to a paper (6/17/77), a letter from Koshimura requesting a copy of the appendix for a paper on the transformation problem (5/2/77), a letter to Venkatesh Athreya regarding Shaikh's paper on international exchange (6/17/77), a letter from Athreya regarding Shaikh's works (8/24/76), a letter to Geoff Harcourt returning a copy of Harcourt's paper (6/16/77), a memo to Landynski requesting reimbursement (5/26/77), another reimbursement memo (6/16/77), a letter to Koshimura regarding a review of Koshimura's book (4/21/77), a letter from Koshimura requesting a review of his book (12/27/75), a letter to Steve Fraser regarding his schedule (4/5/77), a letter to Claude Denicola with a copy of Shaikh's paper on international exchange (4/5/77), a letter from Denicola requesting a copy of Shaikh's paper (12/17/75), a letter to Rayna Reiter regarding a recent burglary at New School (2/25/77), a letter to Landynski regarding reimbursement (5/14/77), a letter to Neil F. Laing regarding a grant proposal (3/14/77), a letter to Landynski requesting travel reimbursement (3/7/77), a letter to Bradley regarding subscribing to the Cambridge Journal of Economics (3/1/77), a letter from Bradley offering a free journal subscription (2/18/77), a letter to Donald J. Harris commenting on Harris' paper (2/28/77), a letter to Eatwell requesting a copy of Okishio's new paper (2/18/77), and a letter to Eatwell regarding Shaikh's sabbatical and Rowthorn's comments on Shaikh's paper (2/3/77).

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