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This includes background for a report by the U.S. Trade Deficit Review Commission (10/21/98), the program for the Seatini Expert Meeting on Financing for Development in Geneva (5/10/01), handwritten letters to Professor Shaikh by B. Schefold (2/1974), the program for a New School conference titled "Franco Modigliani and the Keynesian Legacy" (4/14/05), article " FROM THE LEFT: Anwar A. Shaikh; The Crisis Underneath. (1 November 1987). The New York Times,."Left-leaning analysts blame crash on fundamental woes of capitalism" by Shawn McCarthy in The Ottawa Citizen (11/26/87), "The crash of '88" by Martin Mittelstaedt in Report on Business (10/1987), "The bursting bubble" by Daniel Lazare in In These Times V.12 N.4 (11/1987), "What Managers Must Face If Crash's Aftermath Took the Doomsday Route" in Business International (11/30/87), "Nowhere to go but down" by Martin Mittelstaedt in The Global Mail Toronto (10/24/87), an email from Jesus Felipe to Shaikh regarding Solow's reply to his Humbug paper, an email reply by Shaikh, program for "Caribbean Economics, Knowledge and Power: Invitation to a Caribbean Brainstorm" (11/7/01), a typed letter from Pedro Aguirre Cerda regarding Shaikh's Marxist works (4/21/93), an email from Diego Guerrero regarding publishing Shaikh's works in Spanish (5/26/99), a previous email by Shaikh (5/24/99), an email from Thomas Vietorisz asking for Shaikh's thoughts (10/21/98), a letter from Ernest Mandel asking Shaikh for a review of his book (4/14/94), a letter from Mandel to Parris reviewing Measuring the Wealth of Nations, a handwritten fax to Shaikh from University of Graz, Austria containing draft papers (11/14/93), a letter from student advisors expressing frustration about the econ department (3/17/94), a forwarded email from Mariana Francesca Mazzucato by Mark W. Epstein regarding a review of Howard Botwinick's study (8/12/96), an email to Diego Guerrero regarding balanced growth equations (12/24/98), a reply by Guerrero, a letter from D. Narasimha Reddy regarding visiting Hyderabad (11/3/93), an email from Mazzucato regarding a critique by Epstein of the Botwinick study (9/11/96), a letter to Scott Parris regarding a proposal by Wayne Nafziger (8/8/02), an email from Ann Spence asking to get together in NYC (12/06/02), a flyer for the New School econ masters program, an email to Wynn Godley regarding accounting conventions (10/15/99), a previous email from Godley (10/15/99), a Christmas card from Richard L. Bemal, conference program for "The Economic Implications of the Election: A Roundtable Discussion", a letter from Kim Moody regarding their new book (11/2000), an email from Felipe regarding Shaikh's Humbug paper (9/1/97), a previous email from Shaikh (8/29/87), a flyer for "A Memorial Meeting in Honor of Adolph Lowe (1893-1995) and His Legacy to Economics" with handwritten messages between Judith and Shaikh (11/1995), student testimonial for the New School masters program by Lenore M. Palladino, an email from Takeshi Nakatani requesting to visit New School (1/16/00), program for "Analytical Marxism: Retrospect and Prospect" at the Analytical Marxism Seminar, a letter to Val Burris thanking them for a response to Shaikh's paper (6/4/83), a letter from Burris responding to Shaikh's paper (3/25/83), a letter to Paul Burkett regarding Burkett's paper and presentation (6/4/83), a letter from Burkett requesting an unpublished manuscript by Shaikh (4/16/83), a letter to Lars MjØst regarding Marxist theory (6/4/83), a letter from MjØst regarding Marxist theory (3/9/83), a letter to Lo Cheng—Xi regarding the Okishio theorem (6/15/83), a letter from Cheng—Xi (3/23/83), a letter to Nobuharu Yokohawa regarding his manuscript (6/14/83), a letter from Yokokawa (11/11/82), a letter to Edward Reed regarding Shaikh's papers (6/14/83), a letter from Reed (2/1/83), a letter to Al Szymanski regarding the crisis group and Szymanki's book (6/24/83), a letter from Szymanski (6/6/83), a letter to Cengiz Ozol regarding Ozol's paper (6/28/83), a letter to Ann Booth regarding teaching at SOAS in London (12/29/98), a letter from K. W. J. Saunders regarding UK tax liability (11/18/98), an email from Tsaliki Persefoni regarding their book and Christmas holiday (12/18/98), and a handwritten letter to Shaikh regarding Shaikh's paper on the transformation problem (1/29/75)

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