Date of Submission

Spring 2024

Academic Program

Studio Arts

Project Advisor 1

Maggie Hazen

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Motion as a way of life embodies continuous movement, growth, and evolution of existence.The title of the show, Always.In.Motion, is a reference to this. Specifically in the motion of time and life from childhood to adulthood. My life has been filled with “motion” of different types. I was raised gallery hoping. I have spent years of my childhood traveling with my family from art gallery to art gallery. In college, I thought I wanted to be a Psychology major but switched to studio arts. While making this Senior Project show, I decided to change my idea halfway through, to what is seen now. This show has become an extension of my life and identity. An identity which I feel I have been wanting to express.

The bamboo forest is my childhood. I grew up here. As a kid, everyday I impatiently waited to get off the bus so that my friends and I could go play in the overgrown bamboo forest, or as we called it, “The Fort”, next to the train tracks. To us this was a safe space away from the outside world, where no homework, no responsibilities, and most importantly no adults existed. I wanted to explore the nostalgia of my childhood through this space. Walking through it, I wanted to experience the passage of time. I associate the bamboo with a childhood innocence and the cans as a representation of maturation. Without one you cannot have the other and without the foundation of childhood you cannot have the growth into adulthood.

The work created for this show did not come to me naturally. I do not have a lot of experience working with sculpture or video installation. I have always been more drawn to digital image making. For this project, the process of creation came through lots of experimentation and exploration of materials. I used it as a vessel to explore my past and evoke feelings and memories I had not seen or felt in a long time. This installation is an embodiment of my past self, present self and who I have become as an artist.

Open Access Agreement

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