Date of Submission

Spring 2024

Academic Program

Foreign Languages, Cultures, and Literatures; Psychology

Project Advisor 1

Sarah Dunphy-Lelii

Project Advisor 2

David Ungvary

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Modern US education post-pandemic is facing issues with students far behind pre-pandemic. This paper investigates this issue through two lenses: Psychology and Classical Studies. Within the Psychology lens deficits in academic achievement, socioemotional development, and accessibility emerge as key issues. Educational Psychology presents potential solutions with a learning theory named Constructivism emerging as the theory with the best possible implementation and supporting evidence for solving the specific issues post-pandemic. Within the Classical lens one thinker from Late Antiquity, St. Augustine, lived within a time with similarities to the current problem and wrote on teaching. Past literature did not adequately cover Augustine as an educational thinker, so this paper applies a modern educational lens to Augustine using ideas from the Psychology portion to synthesize his educational thinking in modern vernacular. This thinking is similar to Constructivism, providing further evidence that this is the path forward for modern US education.

Open Access Agreement

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