Date of Submission

Spring 2024

Academic Program

Psychology; Interdisciplinary Study of Religions

Project Advisor 1

Frank Scalzo

Project Advisor 2

Dominique Townsend

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Linguistic framing shapes the way we conceptualize social matters, moral and causal reasoning, and influences the way we perceive the world by constraining how we gather evidence about people, events and situations. There is a robust history behind the dichotomization of religion and the secular, which manifests in present day linguistic framing of meditation practices as “secular,” despite their ties to Buddhism or other religious traditions. This secularization has been criticized for its dilution or total erasure of Buddhist ideals, and conversely, as a form of “stealth Buddhism,” a tactic for recruitment of otherwise uninterested parties. The present study aims to assess the ways in which linguistic framing affects the perception of vipassana, one such practice. Based on previous research in cognitive psychology, cognitive linguistics, religious studies, and anthropology, I hypothesize that (1) Participants will perceive vipassana (Insight Meditation) as being more acceptable when it is framed as “secular” (as opposed to “Buddhist”), and (2) Participants will be more willing to engage in this practice when it is framed as “secular.” If these hypotheses are supported, the results of this study will contribute to the growing body of evidence which suggests that linguistic framing significantly influences thought. Additionally, such support would raise implications surrounding the ethicality of “secular” v. “religious” framing in regards to the dissemination of vipassana and other meditation practices in Western Europe and the Americas.

Open Access Agreement

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