Date of Submission

Spring 2024

Academic Program

Art History and Visual Culture; Film and Electronic Arts

Project Advisor 1

Anne Hunnell Chen

Project Advisor 2

Richard Suchenski

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This essay explores the nuanced interplay between discomfort and expression in the performance art of Patty Chang and Melati Suryodarmo. It examines how their work employs the visceral and tangible to forge a raw immediacy, compelling audiences to confront the complex realities of the female experience. By analyzing Chang's "Melon, at a loss" and Suryodarmo's "Exergie — Butter Dance," the essay unpacks the use of food as a metaphorical element reflecting on cultural identity and womanhood. Additionally, it reflects on my personal journey as an artist and writer, weaving my narrative into the fabric of this critical analysis. The essay argues that the transformative power of discomfort in performance art continues to resonate, challenging viewers to engage with underlying truths about identity, struggle, and resilience.

Open Access Agreement

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