Date of Submission

Spring 2024

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Dmitri Papadimitriou

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This paper asserts that to fulfill its development potential, Senegal must prioritize substantial investment toward accelerating the structural transformation of the agricultural sector through investments in human capital and widened access to quality education and healthcare services to better facilitate inclusive growth and productivity. Additionally, structural reforms must be implemented to increase domestic revenues via increasing the tax base, targeting the informal sector, simplifying tax codes, and strengthening governance and compliance frameworks. By implementing tailored fiscal policy reforms and strengthening institutional capacity, Senegal can create a robust environment for sustainable development and accomplish its development aspirations. Chapter 1 explores Senegal's early post-independence era, focusing on the leadership of Leopold Senghor and his ideological doctrine of African Socialism that shaped the country's initial development trajectory. Chapter 2 maps the progress of “Senegalization” and “dirigiste” policies implemented throughout the 1970s and the consequences of events such as the oil crises of 1974 and 1979, cyclical droughts, and other external factors on the development process. Chapter 3 examines the Structural Adjustment Era and the role of the IMF in shaping the development framework of the 1980s. The paper concludes by assessing the Plan Senegal Emergent and the development challenges that continue to face Senegal.

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