Date of Submission

Spring 2023

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Thena Tak

Abstract/Artist's Statement

My thesis explores unconventional architectural representation and themes through the lens of memory and play. I am drawn to the everyday, less heroic moments of architecture and to the celebration of lived life. I use the thematic structure of play throughout my project as a way to approach a site and rethink its space, history, and meaning. The surface is the site with which I am operating, inspired by motifs of weathering, pastiche, palimpsest, and collage to illustrate fractured memory and layered histories. These approaches manifest in a memory map informed by two walks I took this February with my mom and baba in Kalofer, Bulgaria, after five years of not being able to see my family. It ruminates on personal memories of play as well as familial histories of place to recontextualize ruination, its meaning, and its potential.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
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