Date of Submission

Spring 2023

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Michelle Murray

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This text attempts to understand the formation of the indigenous movement in Ecuador. It asks the questions; Who makes part of it? How is it expressed? Why did it become this way? The indigenous movement in Ecuador has been described by many academics as Latin America’s strongest. Although that depends on what metric one is using, the paper explores how the movement has had interactions with a wide variety of society, and what tools has come about it that the indigenous movement has used later on. The CONAIE, the unquestionably biggest organization among indigenous organizations, has overthrown several presidents and has forced more than a few to temporarily transfer the capital. To delve into the question, however, one has to delve deep into 20th century politics in the country and perhaps from it understand how different collectives are capable of gaining power and mobilizational strength.

Open Access Agreement

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