Date of Submission

Spring 2020

Academic Program

Psychology; Foreign Languages, Cultures, and Literature

Project Advisor 1

Frank Scalzo

Project Advisor 2

Wakako Suzuki

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This senior project is a comprehensive discussion of hikikomori syndrome. It intends to offer a deeper knowledge of the complicated acute social withdrawal phenomenon that is impacting the lives of millions of people worldwide, with a specific focus on its relevance within the country of Japan. This project sets out to look deeper into hikikomori’s meaning and prevalence, its receival in the world of psychiatry, and its placement within modern Japanese society. This project also offers a proposal for a potential method of treatment for hikikomori syndrome, wherein the structure of modern Japanese households is explored and the possibility of codependency being a defining factor in the longevity of reclusive lifestyles is questioned.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
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