Date of Submission

Spring 2017

Academic Programs and Concentrations


Project Advisor 1

Aniruddha Mitra

Abstract/Artist's Statement

There is much literature that argues that human trafficking (HT) is actually a down side of globalization since HT increased dramatically with globalization during the mid-1980s. However, it must be acknowledged that globalization is not the inherent cause of HT but an intermediary that helps to achieve it. Although much literature studies the nexus of globalization and human trafficking, there is a lack of publications to analyze the future impact of globalization on combating human trafficking. This project aims to fill the gap by providing an empirical analysis of whether globalization enhances countries’ ability to combat HT or not. This paper uses Tier Placement from the US Department of State’s Trafficking in Persons Reports as measurement of nations’ capacity of combating HT (dependent variable) and trade openness, net FDI and globalization index as measurements of globalization (independent variable). Since the dependent variable is ordinal number with a certain order, this analysis uses ordered logit regression as the model. This paper finds that both globalization index and net FDI have a positive relationship with nations’ ability to combat HT, and therefore confirms that globalization enhances countries’ capacity to prevent HT.

Open Access Agreement

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