Date of Submission

Spring 2016

Academic Programs and Concentrations


Project Advisor 1

James Green-Armytage

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This thesis attempts to put arms transfers and the modern defense industry in historical context by identifying the drivers of change in the trade and production of arms over time. To this end, a review of the literature on the arms trade up to the Second World War comprises the first part of the study, presenting a largely qualitative overview of shifts in the flow of arms, the location of the world’s arms-producing centers, and changes in attitudes towards transfers as they have affected the trade. The second half of the study provides a data-driven analysis of trends in the international arms trade since 1950. As in the previous half, its focus is on developments in the supply and recipient side of the market, in addition to the global events that have impacted arms production. The final section of the thesis concludes, providing some of the policy implications of the findings.

Access Agreement

Open Access

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