Date of Submission

Spring 2016

Academic Programs and Concentrations

Political Studies

Project Advisor 1

Christopher McIntosh

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Senior Project submitted to The Division of Social Studies of Bard College.

Abstract: This essay looks at the public health consequences of U.S. development aid to both India and PEPFAR. A close analysis of the U.S.-India development aid relationship presents an important case study for the purposes of this essay, as it is one of the oldest and longest development aid stories in U.S. history. The evolution of U.S. development aid is traced throughout its history with India. In other words, the varying outcomes that occurred as a result of the presence of paternalism in U.S. development aid are chronologically imprinted in its development aid relationship with India, an important component when assessing the influence of U.S. foreign and domestic policy over its development strategies. The case study therefore, provides critical information that will allow certain assumptions to be made about the future of PEPFAR as U.S. development aid manifests in a similar pattern to India’s experience. These two state development aid cases are deemed as success stories, from a U.S. standpoint, which highlights the external public health outcomes. The parallels that can be drawn between the paternalistic manifestations in the U.S.-India development aid relationship and PEPFAR programs currently being implemented in focus countries, are explored in order to try and understand the future public health outcomes of the PEPFAR program.

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