Date of Submission

Spring 2016

Academic Programs and Concentrations

Written Arts

Project Advisor 1

Mona Simpson

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Elissa Jane Mastel

Senior Project Abstract

May 3, 2016

Title: i love you; please stop


To create an engaging literary piece to showcase how I’ve evolved as a writer while matriculating at Bard College.

Format: Fiction Novella.


The Slide Mountain Inn a motel in Big Indian, NY, in the Catskills

Main Characters:

Alex Melnikoff, a 31-year-old woman living in upstate NY for almost a year. She relocates to the area after the death of her aunt Judy who has left her the motel as her inheritance.

Edward Furman, a man also in his early 30s who becomes her love interest. He is originally from the area, and his family is all nearby.


Alex is lonely. She inherits The Slide Mountain Inn from her aunt Judy and takes on the task of preserving her legacy. She is passionate, and possesses talent for cooking and hospitality. A

lext goes out one night to a local art event to meet Ed, a charming and charismatic man with whom she has undeniable chemistry. It starts out as a sweet love affair. Ed lovebombs her and enchants her with his undeniable charm and sweet demeanor. They are a sweet couple, but they are not a match made in heaven. He moves in about six months after they meet, and his true colors emerge.

Their dysfunctional relationship is laden with alcoholism, co-dependency, narcissism and abuse. The once loving and charming boyfriend becomes a monster that she feels trapped with.

Their sweet love affair becomes a personal purgatory.

There are guests that come to the inn that Alex takes care of. She cooks elaborate meals, keeps the place running smoothly and gives off the appearance of a lovely inn keeper, while agonizing in a personal life is dysfunctional.

When her dog passes away, she comes to a realization that she can handle anything in life on her own. She doesn’t need Ed. She doesn’t need anyone.

There is a wedding that highlights the crazy going on and the dichotomy and rouse of Ed & Alex’s relationship. She makes the decision to end the relationship.

Eddy dies at the end, which is when Alex has an empowering epiphany. She looks at him in his casket comes to the realization that she can walk away. She finds closure, and discovers forgiveness. With the whole small town trying to meddle at his funeral, she manages to get way from all of them and walk right out the door.

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