Date of Submission

Spring 2016

Academic Programs and Concentrations


Project Advisor 1

Karen Sullivan

Abstract/Artist's Statement

My senior project focuses on the black Creoles from the 1700s to the 1900s in New Orleans. My senior project explains what it means to be a black Creole in New Orleans. I talk about the history and the culture of the black Creoles and do a close exegesis of three texts from three different authors: George Washington Cable, Alice Dunbar-Nelson, and Ernest James Gaines. Using their works, I go into depth about the black Creoles' lifestyle and what makes them different from the Americans. I refer to the black Creoles as les gens de couleur libres, the Free People of Color who are well-skilled and well-educated free blacks.

I explain throughout my senior project what separates the black Creoles from the black and white communities and how their separation benefits them and gives them enables them to become an individual who is not limited to any one society. They thus have the chance to understand humanity and become a self-conscious pariah, understanding two worlds and two cultures.

Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

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