Date of Submission

Spring 2015

Academic Programs and Concentrations


Project Advisor 1

Matthew Deady

Abstract/Artist's Statement

The aim of this project was, first, to provisionally circumscribe the domain of knowable things, and second, to do science within those boundaries. In the first half, the project begins by examining the conceptions of science presented by various authors, including Francis Bacon, Edmund Husserl, and Michio Kaku. Using these resources, it sketches an epistemology based in, and not exceeding, experience. In order to tie this epistemology to a method of scientific practice, it surveys ethics, which is the domain of actions. Finally, a scientific methodology is proposed which does not conflict with the epistemology or ethics. In the second half, this methodology is demonstrated using for its example nephology, the study of clouds. Various exercises are proposed with an eye toward educating the reader on clouds and many of the phenomena associated with them.

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