Date of Submission

Spring 2014

Academic Programs and Concentrations


Project Advisor 1

Barbara Luka

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Because of asymmetry in meaning between languages, bilinguals may gain access to additional units of meaning, or concepts, through their knowledge of a second language. This broader range of concepts affects how bilinguals understand the world through language. Through everyday speech, associations form between words in one language and translation equivalent words in a bilingual’s other language. Because these translation equivalent words may not be true equivalents, bilingual understanding of individual words will be different from monolingual understanding of those same words. I propose to test this hypothesis by collecting word association norms for Japanese-speaking monolinguals, English-speaking monolinguals, and Japanese-English bilinguals. I predict that bilinguals will produce both English-typical and Japanese-typical responses as well as bilingual-unique responses regardless of the language in which they are tested.

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