Date of Submission

Spring 2014

Academic Programs and Concentrations


Project Advisor 1

Craig Anderson

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Palladium is one of the many transition metals that are used to activate C-H and C-X bonds. Imine NNC pincer ligands and imine NC ligands were reacted with palladium sources to form palladium(II) complexes. These complexes were subject to various characterisation methods including NMR, LC-MS, and X-Ray crystallography. The successful formation of the palladium(II) products suggested two probable mechanisms: concerted oxidative addition and sigma bond metathesis. It was also noticeable that the palladium(II) complexes all demonstrated a certain degree of regioselectivity in their syntheses. C-X bonds that formed 6-membered rings were selectively activated over C-H bonds to form the more frequently observed 5-membered rings; in addition sp2 C-H bonds were selectively activated over sp3 CH bonds. The synthesis of palladium(IV) were also attempted, unfortunately no such complex was isolated and characterised; however in one case a ligand substitution reaction was reported.

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