Date of Submission

Spring 2013

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Robert Bielecki

Abstract/Artist's Statement

For the first half of my senior project, I created an audio/visual installation in the Root Cellar at Bard College, utilizing the technique of binaural recording, a method that creates a realistic depiction of sounds recorded in a space from the perspective of the dummy head recording device. The viewer sits in the center of the room wearing headphones, surrounded by foreign sound objects and those that are a natural part of the space, and hears the sounds of those objects extra-temporally, but co-spatially. This installation was largely inspired by the works and ideas of John Cage, especially 4'33”, which asks the listener and composer to incorporate ambient sounds and ideas as part of the otherwise silent piece.

The second half of my senior project is in the form of an all-binaural album. It consists of musical compositions, soundscapes, and some pieces that fall somewhere in between the two genres. I am also in the process of constructing my own binaural recording dummy head, which I will take with me from Bard College and hopefully use to teach children about binaural recording and help them create binaural compositions of their own.

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