Date of Submission

Spring 2012

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Michael Tibbetts

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Scientists have researched the characteristics of mixed metal compounds and their applications in the treatment of cancer. Mononuclear metal compounds, such as cisplatin and NAMI-A, have been very successful at killing and even inhibiting the metastatic potential of cancer cells. By synthesizing heteronuclear compounds that take advantage of the cytotoxic nature of platinum centers and the anti-metastatic properties of ruthenium, AH197 and IT127 were characterized in vivo on A549 cells. The characterization revealed that AH197 is 10x more effective at inhibiting the motility of the human lung adenocarcinoma cells when compared to NAMI-A, a ruthenium centered compound in clinical trials for use against metastatic cancers. The compounds were not shown to be more cytotoxic than cisplatin, but were comparable. Continuing to work on characterizing the compounds, and testing on other cancer cell types, could reveal components of these compounds or metal centers that could be used to help treat this difficult and devastating disease.

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