Date of Submission

Spring 2012

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Sarah Dunphy-Lelii

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Since 1979, “Only Child Policy” has been executed more than 30 years in China. Most of the only children have already stepped into adulthood. What is their current status? How is their adulthood under the condition of the special family structure and the tremendous development of China? Among the limited number of researches of adulthood of Chinese only children, very few are concerned with mental health. Exploring such a fresh topic - mental health of Chinese only children in their adulthood - becomes the goal of this project.

In my project, the biggest concern about the mental health of adult only children in China is stress. My hypothesis is that greater and added stress results from growing up as an only child in an urban environment, especially as a result of China’s one child policy, culture-wide stressors of rapid development, loss of traditional supports.

I will explain more and in detail, in the following chapters by mainly focus on answering three questions: where does the stress come from (factors)? How does stress influence the only children’s adulthood in China (consequences)? And why do we need to concern about it and how to cope with stress (solutions)?

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