Date of Submission

Spring 2011

Academic Program

Art History


Noah Chasin

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Architecture is the most primal and essential connection that we, as human beings, have to the earth. It's physical, psychological, and symbolic significance to us in unparalleled by any other manifestation of humanity. In times of cultural, religious, political, and social unrest, architecture's significant role becomes all the more apparent. The outpourings of architectural documents in times if rupture is indicative of the moment's demand for change: these documents stand as signifiers for contemporary dissatisfaction, and as pleas for revolutionary readjustment, through architecture to society at large. Due to a contemporary lack of financial means, a result of the state's use of funds for the purposes of crisis, these architectural movements exist primarily in two-dimensions: the illustration, manifesto, novel, plan, diagram, (and, sometimes, the model) are generally the sole manifestations of the movement. Because of this, these 'documents' gain unprecedented importance in the analysis of a cultural history.

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