Date of Submission

Fall 2023

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Walter R. Mead

Project Advisor 2

Frederic Hof

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This project analyzes the reasons behind South American struggles connected to regional organizations compared to Southeastern Asian economic and political development in the second half of the 20th century. When exploring the unique characteristics and historical context of South American and Eastern Asian regional blocs such as the Union of South American NationsUSAN/ Union de Naciones Suramericanas, UNASUR, Mercado Común del Sur MERCOSUR; Eastern Asian regional blocs such as The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN, and The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). This project seeks to understand the factors contributing to their distinct trajectories, highlighting how they have achieved economic and political success differently. Both regions have shown vast differences in their contributions to the world’s growth, particularly in the last 20 years. This project seeks to determine why South America has tried to maintain stable regional organizations subject to constant political and economic shifting but struggles to show a steady and long-standing position in front of the world. Lastly, this project will suggest and analyze the causes of instability in South American development. In addition, it will present specific recommendations for enabling both regions to grow successfully in the broader global context, considering their political and economic differences.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

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